The Ultimate Guide On How To Move With Cats

The Ultimate Guide On How To Move With Cats

Oct 07, 2022 Cats make loveable, cuddly and valuable companions, which is why Australia has over 3.8 million pet felines. Cats (27%) are among the most popular type of pets in Australian households, second only to dogs (40%). Therefore, you are not alone worrying about moving with your fur babies. House moves are stressful for cats as they are the most comfortable in familiar environments. New smells, strangers in the house and routine disruptions can frazzle your feline mate. Moving with them is challenging, but many households do it successfully with the assistance of professional removalists in Gold Coast. You can as well, by hiring a professional removal service and following this ultimate guide for moving with cats. Take a look.

Recognise Stress Signs

Cats don’t like changes and experience anger and anxiety disorder during house moves. They exhibit the following signs of stress, and you must recognise them to make your fur baby feel safe &secure.
  • Peeing outside their litter box.
  • Hissing or growling excessively to vocalise displeasure.
  • Having bladder or skin issues.
  • Causing bald patches or sores through obsessive grooming.
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea.
Your fur baby can also have heat stress during summer, causing dehydration, restlessness, drooling and other physical symptoms. Therefore, keep cats hydrated, maintain their daily routines and shower them with more love and attention before and after moving.

Get a Spacious Cat Carrier

Cats are fiercely territorial and can lash out when they cannot find a comfortable and familiar space to retreat during a house move. Therefore, get a spacious cat carrier, also called a crate, for your feline and acquaint it with the enclosure. Keep your kitty’s litter box, blanket, favourite toys and other personal things inside to make the crate a safe space. Once your cat starts using the carrier & feels secure in it, you can use it to keep them comfortable during travel, upon arrival at the new house and when your hired removalists in Gold Coast are working.

Update Your Cat’s Microchip

Cats in Queensland must be microchipped between 8 to 12 weeks of age, and as a pet owner, you must keep the chip information of your feline up to date. It helps trace your kitty if they get lost, or you are moving to a new home. Use any of the following microchip registry services to update your new address.
  • Australasian Animal Registry
  • Central Animal Records
  • Global Micro Animal Registry
  • HomesafeID
  • Petsafe

Find Cat-friendly Accommodation for Stop-overs

Book a cat/pet-friendly hotel or motel when moving long-distance (Over 80km) or interstate to ensure your cat can relax, eat and sleep well during travel. Read reviews of the hotel/motel to learn about their customer service and ensure they can meet comfort requirements for you and your pets. Make sure to book accommodation in advance and re-confirm your booking before starting the journey.

Visit the Vet

Even if you plan to move locally, you must visit the vet to ensure your cat is in good health, vaccinated and can handle the stress of moving house. The vet will conduct a thorough physical exam and give medication for upset stomach, anxiety, sleeping etc. Ensure to follow your vet’s advice to keep your cat comfortable and stress-free during transit and upon arrival at the new home. You must collect medical records for changing vets when moving house. Additionally, if your cat suffers from a chronic illness that requires prescription medication, ask the vet to prescribe the medicines that are nearly over.

Unpack Your Cat’s Things First

Besides opening boxes with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen essentials, unpack your cat’s belongings to set up a safe space away from the moving commotion and your hired removalists in Gold Coast. Let your cat out of the carrier only when the room is ready with your kitty’s blanket, bedding, toys, food, water and other things of comfort.

Let Your Cat Explore at Its Own Pace

Depending on your cat’s temperament, age and other factors, it can start exploring the new house in a few hours or take several days. Please don’t push your cat to leave its safe space until it is ready. You can leave treats around the house to coax your cat to explore household areas. But, make sure you have pet-proofed the new home to avoid injuries. While your cat familiarises itself with the new place, you must transfer its medical record at the new vet clinic, make it wear name tags and keep entry points closed to prevent the feline from bolting outdoors.

The Bottom Line

Moving house with cats is challenging and tiring, but it is even more stressful for your kitty. Therefore, use the tips above to relocate with your cat without the hassle and keep them comfortable. Additionally, take the assistance of expert removalists Gold Coast to reduce moving stress and spend quality time with your fur baby.